時間:2025年01月15日 分類:技巧指導 次數:
論文數據可用性聲明(data availability statement)附在研究論文或報告后,告知讀者可以獲取相關數據,也可以采用更詳細的形式,提供如何獲取數據的詳情。研究論文中提供的數據可用性聲明在某些方面類似于一篇多作者論文中的利益沖突、資金來源和作者貢獻等聲明。
1、Additional data are made available in supplementary tables of this manuscript. (其他數據見于本稿件的補充表格)
2、The relevant experimental data are available from a repository, namely XYZ (name of the depository), and can be accessed through the following link. (相關實驗數據可從xx存儲庫名稱獲取,可通過以下鏈接訪問存儲庫:<相關網址>)
3、The authors will supply the relevant data in response to reasonable requests. (如有需要,作者可以提供相關數據)
4、The data on which the study is based were accessed from a repository and are available for downloading through the following link. (本研究使用的數據從存儲庫中獲取,可通過以下鏈接下載:<相關網址>。)
5、The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within thearticle land/orl as its supplementary materials+
6、The data that support the findings of this study are available in lrepository name e.g"figshare” at[doi] or at [URL].
7、The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author[author initialsl, upon reasonable request.
8、The data that support the findings of this study were derived from the following resources availablein the public domain: [list resources and URLs]
9、The data that support the findings of this study will be available in [repository+ namel at [URL /DOl link] following a l6 monthl embargo from the date of publication
10、Due to the nature of this research, participants of this study did not agree for their data to beshared publicly, so supporting data is not available.
11、Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.