時間:2023年05月27日 分類:新聞中心 次數:
Habitable Earth – Geoscience for Sustainability
宜居地球 –可持續地球科學大會
2023年9月21-23日 | 青島西海岸威斯汀酒店
“宜居地球 – 可持續地球科學大會”是愛思唯爾在國內舉辦的首屆國際地球科學會議。
“宜居地球 –可持續地球科學大會”不僅旨在展示地球科學領域的最新研究成果,同時希望為地球科學界添磚加瓦。愛思唯爾地球科學的期刊編輯及出版人將出席會議,并將在會上與參會者進行交流及學術出版問題答疑。如您希望參與國際期刊同行評審及稿件處理,會議將組織研討會交流相關信息。
摘要提交截止日期已延長至: 2023年6月9日
Theme 1: Early Earth and extraterrestrial bodies
Session 1.1: Early Earth: the formation of habitability
Session 1.2: Origin and evolution of volatiles in terrestrial planets
Session 1.3: Origins and Evolution of Early Life: Exploring the Frontiers of Interdisciplinary Research
Theme 2: Deep Earth
Session 2.1: Major geological and biotic events, and the resultant Earth habitability
Session 2.2: Chemical geodynamics and resource-environmental effects in subduction-zones
Session 2.3: Subduction initiation and water-carbon cycle in West Pacific
Session 2.4: How continental breakup contributes to extensive magmatism and global change?
Session 2.5: Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis
Session 2.6: Deep carbon cycle and habitable Earth
Theme 3: Oceans and Climate
Session 3.1: Deep and Abyssal Ocean Dynamics in the Indo-Pacific Ocean: Characterization, Variability, and Representation
Session 3.2: Deep-sea life and climate change
Session 3.3: Earth Surface Processes from Weathering to Climate Change
Session 3.4: Metal isotopes in the marine system: proxies of source-sink processes and environmental changes
Session 3.5: Submarine cold seeps and deep-sea environments
Session 3.6: The oxidizing capacity of the Earth’s atmosphere and implications for air pollution, climate change and habitability
Session 3.7: Using non-traditional stable isotopes to explore biogeochemical processes at multiple interfaces in modern marine systems
Session 3.8: Hydrothermal Activity Along Mid-Ocean Ridges: Unveiling Earth's Subsurface Secrets
Theme 4: Method and Modeling
Session 4.1: The development and application of spectroscopic technology in deep sea, deep earth, and deep space exploration
Session 4.2: Application of mercury and its stable isotopes in tracing the environmental evolution of the early Earth
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