The Belgian Journal of Zoology is an open access journal publishing high-quality research papers that are original, of broad interest and hypothesis-driven. Manuscripts on all aspects of zoology are considered, including anatomy, behaviour, developmental biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, genomics and physiology. Manuscripts on veterinary topics are outside of the journal’s scope. The Belgian Journal of Zoology also welcomes reviews, especially from complex or poorly understood research fields in zoology. The Belgian Journal of Zoology does no longer publish purely taxonomic papers. Surveys and reports on novel or invasive animal species for Belgium are considered only if sufficient new biological or biogeographic information is included.The Belgian Journal of Zoology is published jointly by the Royal Belgian Zoological Society and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, with the support of the Direction Générale de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche and of the Universitaire Stichting van Belgie/Fondation Universitaire de Belgique (now University Foundation FU US). From 2010 onwards, the Bulletins of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Entomology/Biology have partly been merged with the Belgian Journal of Zoology and partly with the European Journal of Taxonomy.
《比利時動物學雜志》是一份開放獲取的期刊,發表高質量的原創研究論文,具有廣泛的興趣和假設驅動。包括解剖學、行為學、發育生物學、生態學、進化論、遺傳學、基因組學和生理學在內的所有動物學方面的手稿都被考慮在內。有關獸醫主題的手稿不在該雜志的范圍之內。《比利時動物學雜志》也歡迎評論,特別是來自復雜或知之甚少的動物學研究領域的評論。《比利時動物學雜志》不再純粹發表分類論文。只有在包含足夠的新生物或生物地理信息的情況下,才會考慮對比利時的新動物或入侵動物物種進行調查和報告。比利時動物學雜志》上共同發表的比利時皇家動物學會和皇家比利時自然科學研究所的支持下方向興業銀行de l 'Enseignement特級et de la矯揉造作的和左van Belgie大學醫療/ de比利時大學醫療基金會(現在大學基金會傅我們)。自2010年起,比利時皇家自然科學研究所的期刊《昆蟲學/生物學》已部分與《比利時動物學雜志》合并,部分與《歐洲分類學雜志》合并。