Australian Accounting Review (AAR) is a peer-reviewed journal published four times a year by CPA Australia. The editors-in-chief are Dr Bryan Howieson FCPA (University of Adelaide) and Professor Michael Bradbury FCA (Massey University, NZ).AAR is positioned at the intersection of business and intellectual thought, and features articles by leading practitioners and researchers. It aims to provide in-depth discussion and critical analysis of developments affecting professionals in all areas of finance, accounting and business.
澳大利亞會計評論(AAR)是由澳大利亞注冊會計師每年出版四次的同行評議期刊。總編輯是布萊恩·豪依森(Bryan Howieson)FCPA博士(阿德萊德大學)和邁克爾·布拉德伯里(Michael Bradbury)FCA教授(新西蘭梅西大學)。AAR定位于商業思想和智力思想的交叉點,并以領先的從業者和研究人員的文章為特色。它旨在對影響金融、會計和商業各領域專業人士的發展進行深入討論和關鍵分析。