The Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (publishing since 1901 under various titles) is the primary publishing vehicle for the multidisciplinary field of aquatic sciences. It publishes perspectives (syntheses, critiques, and re-evaluations), discussions (comments and replies), articles, and rapid communications, relating to current research on -omics, cells, organisms, populations, ecosystems, or processes that affect aquatic systems. The journal seeks to amplify, modify, question, or redirect accumulated knowledge in the field of fisheries and aquatic science. For primary biodiversity data authors are strongly encouraged to place all species distribution records in a publicly accessible database such as the national Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) nodes (www.gbif.org) or data centres endorsed by GBIF, including BioFresh (www.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu) for freshwater data and the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS, http://www.iobis.org/) for marine biodiversity data, which also holds supporting measurements taken alongside the species occurrence data.
《加拿大漁業和水產科學雜志》(1901年起以多種標題出版)是水產科學多學科領域的主要出版工具。它發表觀點(綜合、評論和重新評價)、討論(評論和答復)、文章和快速通信,與當前的研究有關,包括組學、細胞、生物體、種群、生態系統或影響水生系統的過程。該雜志試圖擴大、修改、質疑或重定向在漁業和水產科學領域積累的知識。主要生物多樣性數據作者強烈建議將所有物種分布記錄在一個公開訪問數據庫如國家全球生物多樣性信息設施(GBIF)節點(www.gbif.org)或數據中心認可GBIF,包括BioFresh (www.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu)為淡水和海洋生物地理信息系統數據(數據庫,http://www.iobis.org/)海洋生物多樣性數據,它還包含了與物種發生數據一起進行的支持性測量。