The Editorial Board is pleased to introduce the new Chiang Mai Journal of Science in succession to the former Journal of the Science Faculty of Chiang Mai University. The new title is a snappier one which we hope will soon become well known amongst the scientific communities both at home and abroad. With its re-designed cover, we would like to think that, in time, Chiang Mai J. Sci. will become instantly recognisable with an attractive content to match its new appearance.Despite the name change, the Journal’s affiliation to the Faculty of Science remains as clear as ever. The Faculty’s crest is retained on the front cover as is the former title. Indeed, it is the Editorial Board’s intention to help promote the Faculty of Science through the Journal’s new image and the upgrading of its refereeing procedures. With more emphasis and importance being attached to research, it is essential that the Faculty has a peer-reviewed Journal which is commensurate in quality with its growing reputation as a research centre of both national and international repute.The Editorial Board sincerely hopes that the readership likes these new changes. While editorial policy remains the same, we will be hoping to attract more papers from outside Thailand now that the Journal title has a wider appeal. After many years under the previous title, and coinciding with the start of a new millenium, the time seems ripe for a change.And so to all our readers and potential contributors, a warm welcome to the Chiang Mai Journal of Science, the new Journal of the Science Faculty of Chiang Mai University. We look forward to receiving your continuing support.
編輯委員會很高興在清邁大學科學系學報的基礎上,繼續推出新的《清邁科學學報》。這個新標題是一個更加活潑的標題,我們希望它能很快在國內外科學界中廣為人知。以其重新設計的封面,我們愿意認為,隨著時間的推移,清邁J. Sci。將成為立即識別與一個有吸引力的內容匹配其新外觀。盡管更名,該雜志與科學學院的關系仍然一如既往地清晰。學院的校徽和以前的頭銜一樣保留在封面上。事實上,編輯委員會的意圖是通過雜志的新形象和提高其評審程序來幫助促進科學學院的發展。隨著對研究工作的重視和重視程度的提高,學院必須有一份同行評議的期刊,其質量與其作為一個在國內外享有盛譽的研究中心的聲譽相稱。編輯委員會衷心希望讀者喜歡這些新變化。雖然編輯政策保持不變,但我們希望吸引更多來自泰國以外的報紙,因為該期刊的標題具有更廣泛的吸引力。在多年前的頭銜之后,恰逢新千年的開始,改變的時機似乎成熟了。因此,對于我們所有的讀者和潛在的貢獻者,歡迎來到《清邁科學雜志》,這是清邁大學科學學院的新雜志。我們期待著您的持續支持。