Child: care, health and development is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes papers dealing with all aspects of the health and development of children and young people. We aim to attract quantitative and qualitative research papers relevant to people from all disciplines working in child health. We welcome studies which examine the effects of social and environmental factors on health and development as well as those dealing with clinical issues, the organization of services and health policy. We particularly encourage the submission of studies related to those who are disadvantaged by physical, developmental, emotional and social problems. The journal also aims to collate important research findings and to provide a forum for discussion of global child health issues.All papers published in Child: Care, Health and Development are eligible for Panel A: Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience in the Research Excellence Framework (REF).
《兒童:保健、保健和發展》是一份經同行審查的國際期刊,發表有關兒童和青年保健和發展的所有方面的論文。我們的目標是吸引與兒童健康相關的所有學科的人的定量和定性研究論文。我們歡迎審查社會和環境因素對健康和發展的影響的研究,以及關于臨床問題、服務組織和衛生政策的研究。我們特別鼓勵提交與那些因身體、發展、情感和社會問題而處于不利地位的人有關的研究報告。該雜志還旨在整理重要的研究成果,并為討論全球兒童健康問題提供一個論壇。所有發表在《兒童:保健、健康和發展》上的論文都有資格參加“卓越研究框架”(REF)中的“小組A:心理學、精神病學和神經科學”(Panel A: Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience)。