China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, ISSN 1008-6234, CN 11-4012/TE, sponsored by the Petrochemical Research Institute of Sinopec Group, was first published in English in 1999. Since 2007, this journal has been included in the full text of Science Citation Index (SCI). This journal is a comprehensive (guidance) sci-tech periodical. It reports mainly on China's domestic information and takes into account important scientific and technological developments around the world. It mainly publicizes the principles and policies of the Sinopec industry, new technologies for scientific and technological research and development, Sinopec's technological market and engineering construction, the introduction of technology, equipment operation, the application of Chinese Technology in foreign countries, and Sinopec. Reform and development of enterprises, etc. The aim is to promote technical cooperation and exchange at home and abroad.The main columns are: development strategy, market dynamics, introduction, refining and petrochemical technology, petrochemical enterprises in reform, expert forums, investment projects, etc.
《中國煉油與石油化工》,ISSN 1008-6234,CN 11-4012/TE,由中國石化集團石油化工科學研究院主辦,創刊于1999年,是中國石化專業的第一份英文期刊。本刊自2007年起,已經被科學引文索引(Science Citation Index, SCI)全文收錄。本刊屬綜合(指導)類科技期刊,報道內容以中國國內信息為主,兼顧世界各地的重要科技動態,主要宣傳中國石化行業的方針政策、科技研究開發的新技術,中國石化技術市場、工程建設情況,引進技術、裝置、設備運轉狀況,中國技術在國外的應用,中國石化企業的改革發展等。目的在于促進國內外的技術合作與交流。主要欄目有:發展方略、市場動態、縱論導評、煉油與石油化工技術、改革中的石化企業、專家論壇、招商項目等。