CIENCIAS MARINAS is a fully bilingual journal that publishes original papers on research in all areas of marine sciences. All papers submitted are peer-reviewed and are published in Spanish and English.Peer Review ProcessThe Ciencias Marinas peer-review system is designed to enrich the scientific discussion and exchange processes and to make sure that all published materials are grounded on sound, original science. All papers are sent out for blind review by one of our associate editors or directly by the editor, depending on the subject area of the reported research. After at least two external peers have returned the manuscript with reviews, the associate editor will analyze the reviews and send a recommendation to the editor. All final decisions are made by the editor in chief.
CIENCIAS MARINAS是一本完全雙語的雜志,出版關于海洋科學所有領域研究的原始論文。所有提交的論文都經過同行評審,并以西班牙語和英語發表。同行評審過程Ciencias Marinas同行評審系統旨在豐富科學討論和交流過程,并確保所有出版材料都建立在健全的、原創的科學基礎上。所有論文均由我們的助理編輯或直接由編輯進行盲審,視研究報告的主題領域而定。在至少有兩名外部同行將稿件連同評論退回后,副主編將對評論進行分析并向編輯發送推薦信。所有最終決定由總編做出。