The quality of software, well-defined interfaces (hardware and software), the process of digitalisation, and accepted standards in these fields are essential for building and exploiting complex computing, communication, multimedia and measuring systems. Standards can simplify the design and construction of individual hardware and software components and help to ensure satisfactory interworking.Computer Standards & Interfaces is an international journal dealing specifically with these topics.The journal? Provides information about activities and progress on the definition of computer standards, software quality, interfaces and methods, at national, European and international levels? Publishes critical comments on standards and standards activities? Disseminates user's experiences and case studies in the application and exploitation of established or emerging standards, interfaces and methods? Offers a forum for discussion on actual projects, standards, interfaces and methods by recognised experts? Stimulates relevant research by providing a specialised refereed medium.Computer Standards & Interfaces is concerned with the specification, development and application of standards and with high-level publications of developments and methods in the following areas:? Standards, Information Management, Formal Methods - Computers, Processors, Storage, Operating systems, Languages, Databases, Graphics, User interface, Multimedia, Information security, Office automation, Development of standards and instruments, Applications? Software Quality, Software Process - Languages, Operating systems, Programming, Requirements specification, Design & implementation, Inspection & test, Maintenance, Product and process evaluation, Performance, Tools, Metrics, Embedded systems, Software in measurement and technical systems including real-time aspects, Development of International Standards in Software Engineering? Distributed Systems, Open Systems, E-Topics - Digital interfaces, System and device buses, Fieldbuses, Data communication, Distributed computing, Protocols, Open systems interconnection, Local and wide area networks, Internet, Worldwide Web, Network security, Cryptology, E-services, E-business, E-commerce? Data Acquisition - Analog-to-digital conversion, Specification, Modelling, Industrial electronics, Real-time systems, Laboratory automation, Automatic measurement, Process control, Electromagnetic compatibility? Digital Instruments Standardisation - Forum of EUPAS, European Project for ADC-based devices, Standardisation (IMEKO TC-4 Working Group on A/D and D/A Converter Metrology), IEEE TC-10, IEC TC-42-WG8, IEC TC-85-WG16; Standardi-sation of specifications, modelling, testing, and analog and digital processing for digital instrumentsThe last issue of a volume includes an author index and a subject index.CS&I also covers general topics concerning the standardisation process, such as technical, political and commercial aspects of standards, their impact on the marketplace, cost/benefit analyses, legislative issues, and relationships among national and international standards bodies.
軟件質量、定義良好的接口(硬件和軟件)、數字化過程以及這些領域中公認的標準對于構建和開發復雜的計算、通信、多媒體和測量系統至關重要。標準可以簡化單個硬件和軟件組件的設計和構造,并有助于確保令人滿意的交互工作。計算機標準與接口是專門處理這些主題的國際期刊。學報?在國家、歐洲和國際層面提供有關計算機標準定義、軟件質量、接口和方法的活動和進展的信息。?對標準和標準活動發表評論?傳播用戶在應用和開發既定或新興標準、接口和方法方面的經驗和案例研究?提供一個論壇,供公認專家討論實際項目、標準、接口和方法。?通過提供專業的推薦媒介來促進相關研究。計算機標準和接口涉及標準的規范、開發和應用,以及以下領域的開發和方法的高級出版物:?標準、信息管理、正式方法-計算機、處理器、存儲、操作系統、語言、數據庫、圖形、用戶界面、多媒體、信息安全、辦公自動化、標準和儀器的開發、應用?軟件質量、軟件過程-語言、操作系統、編程、需求規范、設計和實施、檢查和測試、維護、產品和過程評估、性能、工具、度量標準、嵌入式系統、測量和技術系統中的軟件,包括實時方面、國際開發軟件工程標準?分布式系統、開放系統、電子主題-數字接口、系統和設備總線、現場總線、數據通信、分布式計算、協議、開放系統互連、本地和廣域網、互聯網、全球網絡、網絡安全、密碼學、電子服務、電子商務、電子商務?數據采集-模擬-數字轉換、規范、建模、工業電子、實時系統、實驗室自動化、自動測量、過程控制、電磁兼容性?數字儀器標準化-歐洲公用事業局論壇,基于ADC的設備歐洲項目,標準化(IMEKO TC-4 A/D和D/A轉換器計量工作組),IEEE TC-10,IEC TC-42-WG8,IEC TC-85-WG16;數字儀器的規范、建模、測試和模擬和數字處理標準化卷的最后一期包括作者索引和主題索引。CS&I還涉及標準化過程的一般主題,如標準的技術、政治和商業方面、對市場的影響、成本/效益分析、立法問題以及國家和國際標準機構之間的關系。