Covering topics in solid state materials properties, processing, and applications, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences brings you the latest and most important new developments and understandings. New and emerging theoretical and experimental topics are emphasized in the disciplines of condensed matter physics, physical chemistry, materials, and electrical, chemical and mechanical engineering. Cross-disciplinary engineering and science specialties are also included.The reviews provide a critical assessment of the state-of-the-art for both experimental and theoretical studies.Topics Include:Advanced processing techniques for new materialsAnalysis of solid composition, bonding, structure, and topographyDeposition techniques to form the solid state and epitaxial layersDiffusion and defects in the solid stateElectrical, optical, magnetic, and thermal properties of new organic and inorganic materialsExperimental techniques for characterization of materials and materials propertiesInterfaces in the solid stateMechanical properties of low dimensional solidsNanoparticle processing and propertiesNucleation and growth in formation of the solid stateOptical spectroscopy of solidsPhysics, chemistry. and theory of the solid stateProcessing issues in thin film microelectronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devicesQuantum effectsSolid state band structureSolid state energy sourcesTheoretical modeling of solid state dynamics