Advanced Nonlinear Studies (ANS) is aimed at publishing scholarly articles on nonlinear problems, particularly those involving Differential and Integral Equations, Dynamical Systems, Calculus of Variations, and related areas. It will also publish novel and interesting applications of these areas to problems in biology, engineering, materials sciences, physics and other sciences. Papers submitted to this journal must contain original, timely, and significant results. This journal will also publish exceptionally well written and timely expository articles written by authors with established expertise in the area. Articles will generally, but not always, be published in the order when the final copies were received.Advanced Nonlinear Studies is a quarterly journal and will be published in February, May, August, and November. Papers published in this journal are peer-reviewed. The publication formats for the Mathematical Reviews Database, published by the American Mathematical Society, include Mathematical reviews, Current Mathematical Publications, and the web based MathSciNet.