Cybernetics and Systems aims to share the latest developments in cybernetics and systems to a global audience of academics working or interested in these areas. We bring together scientists from diverse disciplines and update them in important cybernetic and systems methods, while drawing attention to novel useful applications of these methods to problems from all areas of research, in the humanities, in the sciences and the technical disciplines. Showing a direct or likely benefit of the result(s) of the paper to humankind is welcome but not a prerequisite. We welcome original research that:Improves methods of cybernetics, systems theory and systems researchImproves methods in complexity researchShows novel useful applications of cybernetics and/or systems methods to problems in one or more areas in the humanitiesShows novel useful applications of cybernetics and/or systems methods to problems in one or more scientific disciplinesShows novel useful applications of cybernetics and/or systems methods to technical problemsShows novel applications in the arts All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial evaluation by the Editor and, if found suitable for further consideration, to single-blind peer-review by independent, anonymous expert reviewers.
大類學科 | 分區 | 小類學科 | 分區 | Top期刊 | 綜述期刊 |
計算機科學 | 4區 | COMPUTER SCIENCE, CYBERNETICS 計算機:控制論 | 4區 | 否 | 否 |
JCR分區等級 | JCR所屬學科 | 分區 | 影響因子 |