Fire Safety Journal is the leading publication dealing with all aspects of fire safety engineering. Its scope is purposefully wide, as it is deemed important to encourage papers from all sources within this multidisciplinary subject, thus providing a forum for its further development as a distinct engineering discipline. This is an essential step towards gaining a status equal to that enjoyed by the other engineering disciplines.It is impossible to give a comprehensive list of topics which are considered acceptable and the following list is intended for guidance only:? Fire chemistry and physics? Fire dynamics (including gas explosions)? Active fire protection systems, including detection and suppression? Passive fire protection methods? People/fire interactions (physical, physiological and psychological)? Fire safety management? Assessment and quantification of fire risk (including acceptability of risk)? Fire investigation? Fire safety design (including consumer items, industrial plant, transportation, buildings)? Fire safety legislation? Fire safety education.Original contributions relating to any of the above topics are invited, particularly if they incorporate a quantitative approach to the subject in question.