Hydrological Sciences Journal is the official journal of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and provides a forum for original papers and for the exchange of information and views on significant developments in hydrology worldwide.The scope of the journal includes:the hydrological cycle on the Earthsurface water, groundwater, snow and ice, in all their physical, chemical and biological processes, their interrelationships, and their relationships to geographical factors, atmospheric processes and climate, and Earth processes including erosion and sedimentationhydrological extremes and their impactmeasurement, mathematical representation and computational aspects of hydrological processeshydrological aspects of the use and management of water resources and their change under the influence of human activitywater resources systems, including the planning, engineering, management and economic aspects of applied hydrologyThe Co-editors, Dr Atillio Castellarin, Dr Ross Woods and Dr Stacey Archfield welcome original papers, technical notes, review papers and discussions. The Co-editors of Hydrological Science Journal select a featured article to highlight in each issue. This 'featured article' is made free-to-view until the subsequent issue is published online. Peer Review Statement All submitted manuscripts, including those which form part of special issues, are subject to initial appraisal by the Co-editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to anonymous peer review by at least two expert referees which may include a member of the international panel of Associate Editors. Submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.
《水文科學期刊》是國際水文科學協會(IAHS)的官方期刊,為原創論文提供了一個論壇,并就全球水文科學的重大發展交換信息和意見。期刊的范圍包括:地球上的水循環地表水、地下水、雪和冰的所有物理、化學和生物過程、它們之間的相互關系以及它們與地理因素、大氣過程和氣候以及包括侵蝕和沉積在內的地球過程的關系水文極端及其影響水文過程的測量、數學表示和計算方面水文方面水資源的利用和管理及其變化受人類活動的影響水資源系統,包括應用水文學的規劃、工程、管理和經濟方面聯合編輯Atillio Castellarin博士、Ross Woods博士和Stacey Archfield博士歡迎原創文章、技術注釋、評論文章和討論。水文科學雜志的聯合編輯在每一期中選擇一篇特色文章作為重點。這篇“特色文章”將免費提供給讀者閱讀,直到下一期在網上發表。同行評審的聲明所有提交的稿件,包括那些構成特刊的稿件,都要經過聯合編輯的初步評估,如果發現適合進一步審議,還要經過至少兩名專家審稿人的匿名同行評審,其中可能包括國際聯合編輯小組的一名成員。提交是在線通過ScholarOne手稿。