The journal Iheringia, Série Zoologia, edited by the “Museu de Ciências Naturais” of the “Funda??o Zoobot?nica do Rio Grande do Sul”, publishes original research findings in zoology with emphasis on taxonomy, systematics, morphology, natural history, and community or population ecology of species from current Neotropical fauna. Scientific notes will not be accepted for publication. Species lists without a taxonomic approach, or that are not the result of studies on the ecology or natural history of communities will not normally be accepted. The same applies to identification keys of groups of taxa defined by political boundaries. Authors wishing to inquire about the scope of the journal or the suitability of a particular topic are encouraged to contact the Editorial Board prior to submission. Furthermore, articles with a main focus on agronomy, veterinary, zootechny or other areas involving applied zoology will not be accepted.Its abbreviated title is Iheringia, Sér. Zool., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.
《Iheringia, Serie Zoologia》雜志由“南方動物植物園”的“自然科學博物館”編輯,發表動物學方面的原始研究成果,重點放在分類學、系統學、形態學、自然史和當前新熱帶動物物種的群落或種群生態學。科學筆記將不接受出版。沒有分類學方法的物種列表,或者不是群落生態學或自然史研究的結果的物種列表通常不被接受。這同樣適用于由政治邊界定義的類群的標識鍵。希望查詢該期刊的范圍或特定主題的適用性的作者,鼓勵在提交前與編輯委員會聯系。此外,以農學、獸醫學、動物技術或其他涉及應用動物學的領域為主要內容的文章將不被接受。它的縮寫是Iheringia, Ser。黑旋風。,應在參考書目、腳注和參考書目及條帶中使用。