Insect Molecular Biology has been dedicated to providing researchers with the opportunity to publish high quality original research on topics broadly related to insect molecular biology since 1992. IMB is particularly interested in publishing research in insect genomics/genes and proteomics/proteins.This includes research related to:? insect gene structure? control of gene expression? localisation and function/activity of proteins? interactions of proteins and ligands/substrates? effect of mutations on gene/protein function? evolution of insect genes/genomes, especially where principles relevant to insects in general are established? molecular population genetics where data are used to identify genes (or regions of genomes) involved in specific adaptations? gene mapping using molecular tools? molecular interactions of insects with microorganisms including Wolbachia, symbionts and viruses or other pathogens transmitted by insectsPapers can include large data sets e.g.from micro-array or proteomic experiments or analyses of genome sequences done in silico (subject to the data being placed in the context of hypothesis testing).For more information on suitable content for IMB see Editorial here.IMB in also interested in publishing research associated with whole genome sequencing efforts and sequence consortium coordinators are encouraged to contact the Editors for more information.To allow for rapid, easily available publication of the latest type of insect molecular research IMB offers:? Open Access via OnlineOpen? Free Access for group publications (e.g. genome consortia)? Accommodation of large supplemental data files? Rapid on-line publication via Early View? Free on-line colour illustrations
自1992年以來,昆蟲分子生物學一直致力于為研究人員提供發表與昆蟲分子生物學廣泛相關的高質量原創研究的機會。IMB對發表昆蟲基因組學/基因和蛋白質組學/蛋白質的研究特別感興趣。這包括與以下相關的研究:?昆蟲基因結構?控制基因表達?蛋白質的定位和功能/活性?蛋白質與配體/底物的相互作用?基因/蛋白功能突變的影響?昆蟲基因/基因組的進化,特別是在與昆蟲相關的一般原則已經確立的地方?分子群體遺傳學(molecular population genetics),利用數據來識別與特定適應有關的基因(或基因組區域)?利用分子工具繪制基因圖譜?昆蟲與微生物的分子相互作用,包括沃爾巴克氏體、共棲體以及昆蟲傳播的病毒或其他病原體論文可以包括大數據集,例如,從微陣列或蛋白質組實驗或分析基因組序列在硅(取決于數據被放置在假設測試的背景下)。有關適合IMB的內容的更多信息,請參見此處的編輯。IMB也有興趣出版與全基因組測序相關的研究成果,并鼓勵序列聯盟協調員聯系編輯獲取更多信息。為方便快捷地出版最新的昆蟲分子研究刊物,IMB提供:?通過在線開放訪問?團體出版物的免費訪問(例如基因組協會)?適應大型補充數據文件?通過早期視圖快速在線發布?免費的在線彩色插圖