The International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos is widely regarded as the leading journal in the exciting field of chaos and nonlinear science. The primary objective of this journal is to provide a single forum for this multidisciplinary discipline - a forum specifically designed for an interdisciplinary audience, a forum accessible and affordable to all. Real-world problems and applications will be emphasized. Our goal is to bring together, in one periodical, papers of the highest quality and greatest importance on every aspect of nonlinear dynamics, phenomena, modeling, and complexity, thereby providing a focus and catalyst for the timely dissemination and cross-fertilization of new ideas, principles, and techniques across a broad interdisciplinary front.The scope of this journal encompasses experimental, computational, and theoretical aspects of bifurcations, chaos and complexity of biological, economic, engineering, fluid dynamic, neural, physical, social, and other dynamical systems. This broad but focused coverage includes, but is not restricted to, those areas of expertise provided by the members of the editorial board, whose composition will evolve continuously in order to respond to emerging new areas and directions in nonlinear dynamics and complexity.