The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Int J Life Cycle Assess) is the first journal devoted entirely to Life Cycle Assessment and closely related methods. LCA has become a recognized instrument to assess the ecological burdens and impacts throughout the consecutive and interlinked stages of a product system, from raw material acquisition or generation from natural resources, through production and use to final disposal. The Int J Life Cycle Assess is a forum for scientists developing LCA and LCM (Life Cycle Management); LCA and LCM practitioners; managers concerned with environmental aspects of products; governmental environmental agencies responsible for product quality; scientific and industrial societies involved in LCA development, and ecological institutions and bodies.
國際生命周期評估雜志(Int J Life Cycle Assessment)是第一本完全致力于生命周期評估和相關方法的雜志。從自然資源的原料獲取或生產,到生產和使用,再到最后的處理,整個產品系統的連續和相互聯系的各個階段,LCA已成為評估生態負擔和影響的公認工具。國際生命周期評估是一個科學家發展LCA和LCM(生命周期管理)的論壇;LCA和LCM從業者;關注產品環境方面的經理;負責產品質量的政府環境部門;參與LCA發展的科學和工業社會,以及生態機構和機構。