The International Journal of Phytoremediation (IJP) is the first journal devoted to the publication of laboratory and field research describing the use of plant systems to solve environmental problems by enabling the remediation of soil, water, and air quality and by restoring ecosystem services in managed landscapes. Traditional phytoremediation has largely focused on soil and groundwater clean-up of hazardous contaminants. Phytotechnology expands this umbrella to include many of the natural resource management challenges we face in cities, on farms, and other landscapes more integrated with daily public activities. Wetlands that treat wastewater, rain gardens that treat stormwater, poplar tree plantings that contain pollutants, urban tree canopies that treat air pollution, and specialized plants that treat decommissioned mine sites are just a few examples of phytotechnologies.The scope of the International Journal of Phytoremediation includes:The use of traditional phytoremediation processes such as phytodegradation, phytostabilization, phytovolatization, phytoextraction (including rhizofiltration), and enhanced rhizosphere biodegradation for environmental restorationHybrid technologies combining chemical, physical, and/or other biological processes with phytoremediationAny stage of technology development and validation, from basic laboratory research and bench-scale testing to pilot and full-scale field applicationField applications or descriptions of the effects of contaminants and other forms of stress on phytoremediation systems Phytotoxicity studies (screening, surveys) specifically designed to inform the limites of phytotechnologiesPhytomonitoringPhytomanagement of contaminated matricesConstructed wetlands, storm water runoff cleanup, and vegetative covers/capsStudies comparing plant-derived biosorbents to un-processed plant material or remediation without the biosorbentExaminations of the social framework for phytoremediation, including regulatory, economic, and public perception issuesThe journal is an international, peer-reviewed publication designed to link professionals in the many environmental disciplines involved in the development, application, management, and regulation of phytotechnologies.Peer Review Policy: All submitted manuscripts must pass a rigorous peer review process managed by the senior editorial team. All peer review is single blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.Manuscripts will be considered that address any of a wide range of issues and interests within the discipline of phytotechnologies. High quality, original articles make up the primary content, with additional contributions as technical notes, short communications, editorials, and invited review articles. The journal also annually publishes a special issue reflecting presentations at the International Phytotechnology Society meeting where articles may extend beyond the scope stated above. The journal also publishes letters to the editor, book/software reviews, new products and patent information, and announcements of upcoming conferences and courses.