Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics is a journal published in collaboration with the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Journal presents papers on fluid mechanics and applied physics. Each issue contains valuable contributions on hypersonic flows; boundary layer theory; turbulence and hydrodynamic stability; free boundary flows; plasma physics; shock waves; explosives and detonation processes; combustion theory; multiphase flows; heat and mass transfer; composite materials and thermal properties of new materials, plasticity, creep, and failure.PEER REVIEWJournal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics is a peer reviewed journal. We use a double blind peer review format. Our team of reviewers includes over 500 reviewers, both internal and external (98%). The average period from submission to first decision in 2017 was 15 days, and that from first decision to acceptance was 90 days. The final decision on the acceptance of an article for publication is made by the Editorial Board.