The Journal of Arachnology publishes scientific articles reporting novel and significant observations and data regarding any aspect of the biology of arachnid groups. Articles must be scientifically rigorous and report substantially new information. Submissions that are overly narrow in focus (e.g., local faunal lists, descriptions of a second sex or of a single species without additional discussion of the significance of this information), that have poorly substantiated observational data, or that present no new information will not be considered. Book reviews will not be published.Manuscripts must be in English and should use the active voice throughout. Authors should consult a recent issue of the Journal of Arachnology for additional points of style. Manuscripts longer than three printed journal pages (12 or more double-spaced manuscript pages) should be prepared as Feature Articles, shorter papers as Short Communications. Invited Reviews will be published from time to time and unsolicited reviews are also welcomed. All reviews will be subject to the same review process as other submissions.