The American Journal of Potato Research (AJPR), the journal of the Potato Association of America (PAA), publishes reports of basic and applied research on the potato, Solanum spp. It presents authoritative coverage of new scientific developments in potato science, including biotechnology, breeding and genetics, crop management, disease and pest research, economics and marketing, nutrition, physiology, and post-harvest handling and quality. Recognized internationally by contributors and readership, it promotes the exchange of information on all aspects of this fast-evolving global industry.There are three general categories of publication: (1) full-length articles describing original scientific research in the form of a regular publication; (2) short communications concisely describing poignant and timely research results in four or fewer journal pages; (3) review papers, book reviews and symposium proceedings.Peer review is conducted using Editorial Manager?, supported by a database of international experts. This database is shared with the journals Euphytica and Potato Research.
美國馬鈴薯研究雜志(AJPR),《美國馬鈴薯協會(PAA),發布報告的基礎和應用研究馬鈴薯、茄屬植物spp。它提供了權威的報道新的科學發展馬鈴薯科學,包括生物技術、育種和遺傳學、作物管理、疾病和害蟲的研究中,經濟學和市場營銷、營養、生理、和收獲后處理和質量。它得到了國際上貢獻者和讀者的認可,促進了這個快速發展的全球產業各方面的信息交流。一般有三類出版物:(1)以定期出版物的形式描述原始科學研究的全文;(2)在四頁或更少的期刊中,簡短扼要地描述深刻而及時的研究成果;(三)審查論文、書評和研討會論文集。同行評審使用editor Manager?進行,由國際專家數據庫支持。該數據庫與Euphytica和Potato Research雜志共享。