The Journal of Medical Primatology discusses primates as models to study, prevent, and/or treat human diseases; primate veterinary medicine; primate morphology, physiology, reproductive biology, central nervous system, and cardiovascular diseases; husbandry, handling, experimental methodology, and management of primate colonies and laboratories; primate wildlife management; and behaviour and sociology as related to medical conditions and captive primate needs.Published material includes: Original Manuscripts - research results; Case Reports - scientific documentation of a single clinical study; Short Papers - case histories, methodologies, and techniques of particular interest; Letters to the Editor - opinions, controversies and sporadic scientific observations; Perspectives – opinion piece about existing research on a particular topic; Minireviews – a concise review of existing literature; Book Reviews by invitation; Special Issues containing selected papers from specialized meetings; and Editorials and memoriams authored by the Editor-in-Chief.