Traditionally the emphasis of Analysis Mathematica is classical analysis, including real functions (MSC 2010: 26xx), measure and integration (28xx), functions of a complex variable (30xx), special functions (33xx), sequences, series, summability (40xx), approximations and expansions (41xx).The scope also includes potential theory (31xx), several complex variables and analytic spaces (32xx), harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42xx), abstract harmonic analysis (43xx).The journal willingly considers papers in difference and functional equations (39xx), functional analysis (46xx), operator theory (47xx), analysis on topological groups and metric spaces, matrix analysis, discrete versions of topics in analysis, convex and geometric analysis and the interplay between geometry and analysis.
傳統(tǒng)上,分析Mathematica的重點是經典分析,包括實際功能(MSC 2010:26xx),測量和積分(28xx),復雜變量(30xx)的功能,特殊功能(33xx),序列,序列,匯總(40xx) ,近似和擴展(41xx)。范圍還包括潛在理論(31xx),幾個復變量和解析空間(32xx),歐幾里德空間的諧波分析(42xx),抽象諧波分析(43xx)。期刊自愿考慮差異和功能方程(39xx),功能分析(46xx),算子理論(47xx),拓撲群和度量空間分析,矩陣分析,分析主題的離散版本,凸和幾何分析以及 幾何和分析之間的相互作用。