The Journal of Stored Products Research provides an international medium for the publication of both reviews and original results from laboratory and field studies on the preservation and safety of stored products, notably food stocks, covering storage-related problems from the producer through the supply chain to the consumer. Stored products are characterised by having relatively low moisture content and include raw and semi-processed foods, animal feedstuffs, and a range of other durable items, including materials such as clothing or museum artefacts.Manuscripts are welcomed on:?the biology, ecology, physiology, behaviour, taxonomy or genetics of pests and spoilage agents ?environmental factors influencing insect life cycles?the physical, chemical or biological control of pests and spoilage agents but excluding routine laboratory screening of candidate plant materials?biochemical or behavioural resistance to control measures?storage biotechnology, pest management and decision support systems?the effects of physical and environmental control procedures on the physical and chemical nature of the stored products?the assessment, prevention and control of losses?regulatory, technological and socio-economic subjects relevant to stored products?improvements in the design and structure of the storage environmentThe Journal of Stored Products Research reflects the worldwide interest in the scientific problems of infestation in stored food and their relevance to food stock security, market access and trade, and the increasing problem of world food distribution.