The Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society was founded by The Chemical Society Located in Taipei in 1954, and is the oldest general chemistry journal in Taiwan. It is strictly peer-reviewed and welcomes review articles, full papers, notes and communications written in English. The scope of the Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society covers all major areas of chemistry: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, and materials science.The online version of the Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society is now available on Wiley Online Library:free article abstractsfully searchable articlesfree electronic Table-of-Contents Alertsaccess to related articles via CrossRefDigital Object Identifiers (DOIs): unique identifiers for digital content.All 2011 issues of the Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society can be accessed for free.The Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society is jointly published by the Chemical Society Located in Taipei and Wiley-VCH. It is supported by the Science and Technology Information Center, National Science Council, R.O.C.The Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society has been covered by Science Citation Index since 1990.