The Journal of the London Mathematical Society has been publishing leading research in a broad range of mathematical subject areas since 1926. The Journal welcomes papers on subjects of general interest that represent a significant advance in mathematical knowledge, as well as submissions that are deemed to stimulate new interest and research activity.Articles accepted by the Journal are of high quality and well-written, with a minimum length of 18 pages.The Journal shares an Editorial Board with the Bulletin and Transactions of the London Mathematical Society.The Bulletin publishes shorter research articles as well as survey articles and obituaries.The Transactions is a fully Open Access online journal launched in March 2013. All three journals employ the same high standard of peer review. The Journal is wholly owned and managed by the London Mathematical Society. All surplus income from its publishing programme is used to support mathematicians and mathematics research in the form of research grants, conference grants, prizes, initiatives for early career researchers, and the promotion of mathematics.