The Optical Society (OSA) publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed articles in its portfolio of journals, which serve the full breadth of the optics and photonics community.The Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) is a general optics research journal that complements JOSA A. It emphasizes scientific research on the fundamentals of the interaction of light with matter such as quantum optics, nonlinear optics, and laser physics. Topics include:Advanced Instrumentation and MeasurementsFiber Optics and Fiber LasersLasers and Other Light Sources from THz to XUVLight-Induced PhenomenaNonlinear and High Field OpticsOptical MaterialsOptics Modes and Structured LightOptomechanicsMetamaterialsNanomaterialsPhotonics and Semiconductor OpticsPhysical OpticsPlasmonicsQuantum Optics and EntanglementQuantum Key DistributionSpectroscopy and Atomic or Molecular OpticsSuperresolution and Advanced ImagingSurface OpticsUltrafast Optical PhenomenaWave Guiding and Optical ConfinementJOSA B considers original research articles, feature issue contributions, invited reviews and comments on published articles.
光學學會(OSA)在其期刊組合中發(fā)表高質量的同行評議文章,為光學和光子學界提供全方位的服務。美國光學學會雜志B(JOSA B)是一本補充JOSA A的普通光學研究雜志。它強調對光與物質相互作用的基本原理的科學研究,如量子光學、非線性光學和激光物理。主題包括:先進的儀器和測量光纖和光纖激光器從THZ到XUV的激光器和其他光源光誘導現(xiàn)象非線性和高場光學光學材料光學模式和結構光光力學超材料納米材料光子學和半導體光學物理光學電漿子光學量子光學與糾纏量子密鑰分發(fā)光譜學和原子或分子光學超分辨率和高級成像表面光學超快光學現(xiàn)象導波與光約束JosaB考慮了原始的研究文章、專題文章的貢獻、受邀的評論和對已發(fā)表文章的評論。