Annales Academi? Scientiarum Fennic? Mathematica is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters since 1941. Its founder and editor until 1974 was Pekka Myrberg. It publishes research papers in all domains of mathematics, with particular emphasis on analysis. The articles are indexed and reviewed in Zentralblatt für Mathematik and Mathematical Reviews.
AnnalesAcademi?ScientiarumFennic?Mathematica是芬蘭科學與文學學院自1941年以來出版的同行評審 科學期刊。其創始人和編輯直到1974年才是 Pekka Myrberg。它在所有數學領域發表研究論文,特別強調分析。這些文章在 ZentralblattfürMathematik和 Mathematical Reviews中被索引和評論。