Emphasizing contemporary research of immediate and potential application to mechanical, civil, aerospace, and automotive engineering as well as naval architecture, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines contains analytical, numerical, and experimental contributions of permanent interest to research engineers. In addition to classical applications such as structures and machine analysis and design, the journal encourages submission of new fundamental and interdisciplinary contributions of mechanics and mechanics-based design in emerging application areas such as robotics, automotive, space structures, smart structures, and micromachines.Other technical areas of interest include high-speed computing, numerical methods, structural optimization, variational methods, stability, fatigue and fracture mechanics, plasticity, and related basic applied mechanics and mechanics-based design.The journal publishes two types of articles: Research Papers and Innovative Application Briefs. Research Papers are limited to 11,000 equivalent words (about 20 typeset pages). Innovative Applications Briefs, which concern the application of existing mechanics and mechanics-based design methods toward the design of new innovative systems and devices, are limited to 5,500 equivalent words (about 10 typeset pages). All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.