Mycopathologia was founded in 1938 as an international journal devoted to the study of the role of fungi in human and animal disease. Many of the milestones discoveries in the field of medical mycology have been communicated through the pages of this journal. Mycopathologia covers a diverse, interdisciplinary range of topics that is unique in breadth and depth. It publishes original articles highlighting important developments in the fields of medical and veterinary mycology. We also welcome papers on systematics and taxonomy of fungi involved in these fields. Timely opinion articles, mini-reviews, and other communications are usually invited at the discretion of the editorial board. Unique case reports highlighting unprecedented progress in the diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections will be considered for publication at the discretion of the editorial board.The Editor-in-Chief is Vishnu Chaturvedi (Mycology Laboratory, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health & Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Albany School of Public Health, Albany, NY, USA) and the Executive Editors are Jean-Philippe Bouchara and Ferry Hagen.Details on the Submission and Publication procedures:- No Page Charges- No Fees for Online Color Images- Optional Color Images in Print – Euro 950,-- Optional Open Access Publication Fee (APC) – USD 3000,- / Euro 2200,-
《真菌病理學》成立于1938年,是一本國際期刊,致力于研究真菌在人類和動物疾病中的作用。醫學真菌學領域的許多里程碑式的發現已經通過這本雜志的頁面傳達出來。真菌病理學涵蓋了多種多樣的跨學科的主題,在廣度和深度上都是獨特的。它發表原創文章,強調醫學和獸醫真菌學領域的重要發展。我們也歡迎在這些領域涉及真菌分類學和分類學的論文。及時的意見文章,小評論,和其他溝通通常邀請在自由裁量權的編輯委員會。突出真菌感染診斷和治療方面空前進展的獨特病例報告將由編輯委員會酌情考慮出版。主編為Vishnu Chaturvedi(真菌學實驗室,Wadsworth中心,紐約州衛生和生物醫學科學部,奧爾巴尼大學公共衛生學院,奧爾巴尼,紐約,美國),執行主編為Jean-Philippe Bouchara和Ferry Hagen。有關提交及出版程序的詳情:-無版面收費-網上彩色圖像免費-可選彩色圖片打印- 950歐元,--可選的開放存取出版費用(APC) - 3000美元,- / 2200歐元,-