Journal published for the International Odonatological Foundation, Societas Internationalis Odonatologica (S.I.O.).Odonatologica publishes original papers in all fields of odonatology. It is a semi-annual journal, published on 1st June and 1st December. It is general policy that submitted papers will be refereed. Publication language is English.Odonatologica (2016 Impact Factor: 0.718; 2017 Journal Citation Reports?Science Edition; Clarivate? Analytics, formerly Thomson Reuters, 2017) is indexed in Current Contents, Science Citation Index Expanded, Zoological Record and Research Alert, and is covered by most of the major abstracting services. See also illustration below.The new Journal Impact Factors for 2016 have been released by Clarivate Analytics on 14th June 2017 (2016 Journal Citation Reports?Science Edition) , and Odonatologica’s JIF has increased again, to 0.718 now!
國際牙醫基金會,國際社會牙科學報(S.I.O)發表的期刊。牙形學出版所有領域的原始論文。這是一本半年度期刊,于6月1日和12月1日出版。一般的政策是提交的文件將被推薦。出版語言為英語。牙科學(2016年影響因子:0.718;2017年期刊引文報告?科學版;Clarivate?分析,前湯森路透,2017年)在當前內容中編入索引,科學引文索引擴展,動物學記錄和研究警報,并被大多數主要的抽象服務所覆蓋。另請參見下圖。Clarivate Analytics于2017年6月14日(2016年期刊引文報告?科學版)發布了2016年的新期刊影響因素,并且Odonatologica的jif再次增加,現在達到0.718!