Organisms Diversity & Evolution (published by the Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Systematik, GfBS) is devoted to furthering our understanding of all aspects of organismal diversity and evolution. Papers addressing evolutionary aspects of the systematics, phylogenetics, morphology and development, taxonomy and biogeography of any group of eukaryotes, recent or fossil, are welcome. Priority is given to papers with a strong evolutionary and/or phylogenetic focus. Manuscripts presenting important methods or tools or addressing key theoretical, methodological, and philosophical principles related to the study of organismal diversity are also welcome. Species descriptions are welcome as parts of a manuscript of broader interest that strive to integrate such taxonomic information with the other areas of interest mentioned above.Journal rank 20 (of 163) in subject category "Zoology" of the 2016 Journal Citation Report (ISI Web of Knowledge).Published articles are of one of the following five types:Original article. Papers describing original, high-quality research in any of the areas mentioned above.Methods paper. Short papers (< 5 journal pages) describing new laboratory methods, bioinformatic tools, or databases that will facilitate research into organismal diversity.Forum paper. Papers discussing issues relevant to the main areas of interest of the journal and their related science politics.Review. Reviews of topics relevant to the journal. If you plan to submit a review, please contact the Editor-in-Chief by email at andreas.wanninger@univie.ac.at.Emerging Discussion. If you disagree with certain statements made in a paper published in Organisms Diversity & Evolution, you may want to send an “Emerging Discussion.” Please always contact the Editor-in-Chief before submission by email at andreas.wanninger@univie.ac.at.
生物多樣性與進化(由Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Systematik, GfBS出版)致力于促進我們對生物多樣性和進化的所有方面的理解。歡迎發表有關真核生物的系統學、系統遺傳學、形態學和發育、分類學和生物地理學的最新或化石的進化方面的論文。優先考慮具有強烈進化和/或系統發育重點的論文。也歡迎提供重要方法或工具的手稿,或涉及與研究生物多樣性有關的關鍵理論、方法論和哲學原則的手稿。物種描述是受歡迎的,作為一個更廣泛的興趣手稿的一部分,努力將這些分類信息與其他領域的利益上述提到。2016年《期刊引文報告》(ISI知識網)“動物學”學科類別第20名(163名)。已發表的文章可分為以下五類:原來的文章。描述上述任何領域的原創、高質量研究的論文。紙的方法。簡短的論文(< 5期刊頁),描述新的實驗室方法,生物信息工具,或數據庫,將促進對生物多樣性的研究。論壇。討論與期刊主要感興趣領域相關的問題及其相關的科學政治論文。審查。與期刊相關主題的評論。如果你打算提交一篇評論,請通過電子郵件聯系總編:andreas.wanninger@univie.ac.at。新興的討論。如果你不同意發表在《生物多樣性與進化》(organic Diversity & Evolution)雜志上的一篇論文中的某些觀點,你可能想發表一篇“新興討論”(Emerging Discussion)。投稿前請務必與總編聯系,郵箱為andreas.wanninger@univie.ac.at。