Oriental Insects is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of original research articles and reviews on the taxonomy, ecology, biodiversity and evolution of insects and other land arthropods of the Old World and Australia. Manuscripts referring to Africa, Australia and Oceania are highly welcomed. Research papers covering the study of behaviour, conservation, forensic and medical entomology, urban entomology and pest control are encouraged, provided that the research has relevance to Old World or Australian entomofauna. Precedence will be given to more general manuscripts (e.g. revisions of higher taxa, papers with combined methodologies or referring to larger geographic units). Descriptive manuscripts should refer to more than a single species and contain more general results or discussion (e.g. determination keys, biological or ecological data etc.). Laboratory works without zoogeographic or taxonomic reference to the scope of the journal will not be accepted. Special issues and conference outputs are encouraged – for more information, please contact the Editor-in-Chief. Peer Review Statement All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees in the field of the submitted paper. All peer review is single blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.
《東方昆蟲》是一份國際性的同行評議期刊,致力于發表有關東半球和澳大利亞昆蟲和其他陸地節肢動物的分類學、生態學、生物多樣性和進化的原始研究論文和評論。歡迎非洲、澳大利亞和大洋洲的手稿。鼓勵發表關于行為研究、保護、法醫和醫學昆蟲學、城市昆蟲學和蟲害控制的研究論文,只要這些研究與舊世界或澳大利亞昆蟲綱有關。將優先考慮較一般的原稿(例如較高分類群的訂正、采用綜合方法的論文或涉及較大地理單位的論文)。描述性手稿應包括不止一個物種,并包含更一般的結果或討論(如確定關鍵字、生物或生態數據等)。沒有動物地理或分類學參考范圍的實驗室工作將不被接受。鼓勵特別問題和會議產出- -如需更多資料,請聯絡總編。同行評審的聲明所有提交的稿件都要經過編輯的初步評估,如果發現適合進一步考慮,還要經過至少兩名獨立的、匿名的專家評審。所有的同行評審都是單盲的,通過ScholarOne手稿在線提交。