The physica status solidi (pss) journal group is devoted to the thorough peer review and the rapid publication of new and important results in all fields of solid state and materials physics, from basic science to applications and devices. Among the largest and most established international publications, the pss journals publish reviews, letters and original articles, as regular content as well as in special issues and topical sections.physica status solidi (b) – basic solid state physics covers theoretical and experimental investigations of the structural, electronic, optical, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties of solid materials based on quantum solid state physics. Current topics include nanotubes and graphene, 2-d layered materials, strongly correlated systems, superconductivity, multiferroics, topological insulators, and semiconductors for device technology. Methods range from analytic modeling and computational approaches via growth and preparation to characterization with microscopy, diffraction, spectroscopy, magnetization, dielectric and electrical characterization and beyond.physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, the flagship pss journal, is one of the fastest, double peer-reviewed journals in solid state and materials physics. Average times are 11 days from submission to first editorial decision, and 12 days from acceptance to online publication. Reflecting its high visibility, pss (RRL) received an outstanding Impact Factor of 3.721 (2018 Journal Citation Reports).ISSN: 0370-1972 (print). 1521-3951 (online). CODEN: PSSBBD.Currently 12 issues per year.
物理學報(pss)致力于在固體和材料物理的所有領域,從基礎科學到應用和設備,進行全面的同行評審和快速發表新的重要成果。在最大和最成熟的國際出版物中,pss期刊出版評論、信件和原創文章,以及定期的內容以及專題和專題部分。物理學基礎固體物理包括基于量子固體物理的固體材料的結構、電子、光學、磁性和熱力學性質的理論和實驗研究。目前的主題包括納米管和石墨烯、二維層狀材料、強相關系統、超導性、多鐵氧體、拓撲絕緣體和用于設備技術的半導體。方法包括通過生長和制備的分析建模和計算方法,以及用顯微鏡、衍射、光譜、磁化、介電和電學等表征方法。物理狀態固體(RRL) -快速研究快報,旗艦pss期刊,是固體和材料物理領域最快的、雙同行評審期刊之一。從提交到第一次編輯決定的平均時間為11天,從接受到在線出版的平均時間為12天。pss (RRL)的顯著影響因子為3.721(2018年期刊引文報告),反映了其高可見性。ISSN: 0370-1972(印刷)。1521 - 3951(在線)。CODEN: PSSBBD。目前每年發行12期。