PEP is the leading source for information onPropellantsExplosivesPyrotechnicsRelated NanomaterialsIgnition, combustion and detonationPEP is the official journal of the International Pyrotechnics Society.The mission of PEPThe mission of PEP is to advance the science, technology and engineering elements in the storage and manipulation of chemical energy, specifically, Propellants, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics. PEP is a not a defense journal. The scope of the journal should be reflected in the selection of its articles. They should not feature the weaponization of materials and related systems or include information that would aid in the development or utilization of improvised explosive systems, e.g., synthesis routes to terrorist explosives.Coverage includesSynthesis, formulation, analysis, detection, characterization, ballistics, detonation, application and demilitarization