The Journal publishes papers dealing with new ideas and developments in the science and technology of polymers with functional groups that provide specific chemical reactivity or physico-chemical behaviour. The scope covers organic and inorganic functional polymers, acting as reagents, catalysts, carriers of protecting groups, templates, ion-exchangers, selective sorbents, chelating agents, supports for enzymes and cells, and the like. It also includes reactive cross-linkable prepolymers, degradable or bioactive polymers, polymer resists, conducting polymers, and film-forming polymers.Contributions have to present thorough molecular and material characterisation data, and may deal with the synthesis of the above polymers or with their applications in organic synthesis, catalysis, water or effluent treatment, separations, recovery, lithography, microelectronics, information storage, energy conversion, diagnostics, drug delivery, coating and encapsulation, and adhesion.The Journal addresses two main audiences: those engaged in the synthesis of new materials and the development of novel techniques, and those concerned with technology and practical applications in the laboratory or plant. The Journal encourages, and serves as a forum for, the dialogue between these two groups.Papers on a broad spectrum of topics are encouraged. Emphasis is on work at the frontiers of science or technology and furthering the interaction between researcher and practical engineer, rather than on details of theory or application. Full-length papers and review articles will be considered. However, authors intending to write a review should contact an Editor first. Uninvited reviews will not be considered. All material submitted must be original, that is it may not have been submitted elsewhere for publication.Lack of originality, insufficient molecular characterisation, poor comparison with the current state of literature and with the authors' own production are, individually, sufficient reasons for rejection.