Applied Catalysis A: General publishes original papers on all aspects of catalysis of basic and practical interest to chemical scientists in both industrial and academic fields, with an emphasis onnew understanding of catalysts and catalytic reactions, new catalytic materials, new techniques, and new processes, especially those that have potential practical implications.Papers that report results of a thorough study or optimization of systems or processes that are well understood, widely studied, or minor variations of known ones are discouraged. Authors should include statements in a separate section "Justification for Publication" of how the manuscript fits the scope of the journal in the cover letter to the editors. Submissions without such justification will be rejected without review.The journal accepts original Research Papers, Reviews, invited Perspective and Feature articles and Letters to the Editor.Submitted manuscripts should contain sufficient details of the description of methods and characterization results of catalysts, reactants, and products that meet the prevalent standards in the catalysis field, such that it is possible for others in the field to reproduce observations and data. Reproducibility of data and/or error analysis should be included. Relevant experimental conditions and/or model parameters should be included in figure captions or table footnotes. Submissions not meeting these requirements will be rejected without review.
應用催化A: General出版關于工業和學術領域的化學科學家基本和實際感興趣的催化各個方面的原始論文,重點是對催化劑和催化反應、新催化材料、新技術和新工藝的新理解,特別是那些具有潛在實際意義的。不鼓勵發表關于系統或過程的徹底研究或優化結果的論文,這些系統或過程已被很好地理解、廣泛研究或已知系統或過程的微小變化。在給編輯的求職信中,作者應該在“出版的理由”一節單獨列出原稿是否符合期刊的范圍。沒有這種理由的提交將不經審查被拒絕。該雜志接受原創研究論文、評論、邀請觀點、專題文章和給編輯的信件。提交的原稿應包含足夠詳細的催化劑、反應物和產品的方法描述和表征結果,以滿足催化領域的普遍標準,以便該領域的其他人能夠重現觀察結果和數據。應包括數據的重現性和/或誤差分析。相關的實驗條件和/或模型參數應包括在圖標題或表腳注中。不符合這些要求的作品將不經評審被拒絕。
大類學科 | 分區 | 小類學科 | 分區 | Top期刊 | 綜述期刊 |
化學 | 2區 | CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL 物理化學 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 環境科學 | 2區 2區 | 否 | 否 |
JCR分區等級 | JCR所屬學科 | 分區 | 影響因子 |