The journal Revue Roumaine de Chimie (Roumanian Journal of Chemistry) was founded in 1956 under the name Revue de Chimie. Acad. R. P. R. from 1964, the title was modified in Revue Roumaine de Chimie (preserving the numbering of the volumes started in 1956). In 1997, the English translation of the title – Roumanian Journal of Chemistry – was also included on each issue.Presently, Revue Roumaine de Chimie is published in a volume yearly, consisting in 12 issues with a total yearly number of pages of about 1200.The Journal publishes: a) Review Papers; b) Original Essay Papers; c) Notes; d) Book Reviews, preferably written in English. The topics cover all the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering.All manuscripts are refereed.The Journal is addressed to all chemists and chemical engineers, students and scientists with chemical interest.The Revue Roumaine de Chimie is abstracted in Chemical Abstracts (Columbus, Ohio, USA), is registered and processed in Science Citation Index and CHEMICAL CITATION INDEX (Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia, USA) and the content page of each issue is printed on CURRENT CONTENTS (Institute of Scientific Information, Philadelphia, USA).The Impact Factor of Revue Roumaine de Chimie for 2011 was 0.418.