La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento is an international peer-reviewed journal. It publishes monographies in all fields of physics. These monographies aim at presenting the state of the art of topical subjects of relevant interest for the community. Usually, authors are invited and topics suggested by the Deputy Editors-in-Chief, but also spontaneous submissions are examined. La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento is associated to The European Physical Journal.
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento是一份國際同行評審期刊。它出版所有物理領域的專著。這些專題著作的目的是向社會介紹有關主題的最新技術。通常,作者會被邀請,主題由副主編提出,但也會對自發提交的內容進行審查。La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento與《歐洲物理雜志》(European Physical Journal)有關。