Peer review under responsibility of the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity InstituteThe Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute - an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and situated in Utrecht, The Netherlands - maintains a world-renowned collection of living filamentous fungi, yeasts and bacteria. The institute's research programmes principally focus on the taxonomy and evolution of fungi as well as on functional aspects of fungal biology and ecology, incorporating molecular and genomics approaches. The Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute employs circa 70 personnel, among whom circa 24 scientists.Studies in Mycology is an international peer-reviewed journal which publishes systematic monographs on the biodiversity of filamentous fungi and yeasts. The first issue was published in 1972. The journal is open-access, and from January 1 2016 it will change to the continuous publishing model, with one volume per year. The emphasis of papers should be on fungal taxonomy and biodiversity. Accepted papers will appear immediately online. Authors who intend to submit monographs should contact the Executive Editor in advance. There are no restrictions of length, though it is generally expected that manuscripts should be at least 50 A4 pages in print. The publication fee is ? 1000 per paper.Authors who intend to submit monographs or topical issues should contact the Executive Editor in advance. Authors are obliged to meet the requirements as set out in our Instructions for Authors.
韋斯特迪克真菌生物多樣性研究所負責的同行審查韋斯特迪克真菌生物多樣性研究所是荷蘭皇家藝術與科學學院(KNAW)的一個研究所,位于荷蘭烏得勒支,擁有世界著名的活絲狀真菌、酵母菌和細菌的收藏。該研究所的研究方案主要集中于真菌的分類和進化以及真菌生物學和生態學的功能方面,結合分子和基因組學方法。韋斯特迪克真菌生物多樣性研究所雇用了大約70名工作人員,其中大約24名科學家。真菌學研究是一本國際同行評審的期刊,出版了關于絲狀真菌和酵母菌生物多樣性的系統專著。第一期于1972年出版。該期刊是開放獲取的,從2016年1月1日起將改為連續出版模式,每年出版一冊。論文的重點應放在真菌分類學和生物多樣性上。被接受的論文將立即出現在網上。有意提交專著的作者應提前與執行編輯聯系。沒有長度限制,雖然一般認為手稿應至少打印50 A4頁。出版費用是每篇1000歐元。有意提交專著或專題的作者應事先與執行編輯聯系。作者有義務滿足我們對作者的要求。