As a long lasting highly cited peer reviewed periodical, SYLWAN is a well-known scientific journal printed in Poland since 1820. The journal initial steps were under the supervision of the semi-official organ of the Royal Forestry Corps in Poland. Since 1966 it has developed its coverage areas to all aspects of the life sciences. The journal language was formerly in Polish with English abstracts only, but since 2004 the English edition of the periodical started the publication of pioneer researches in full text English to extend its readers and audiences worldwide. Today, as a well trusted scientific periodical, SYLWAN is abstracted and indexed in Science Citation Index with the impact factor of 0,623. So foremost, we owe our thanks to the authors who have decided to entrust SYLWAN with their best work, allowing us to benefit from the high quality of their scientific endeavors. We hope to remain worthy of their trust and to continue providing a rigorous and respected environment for their publications.