Comprehensive, state-of-the-art reviews by experts in the field provide current, practical information on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting horses. Each issue of Veterinary Clinics: Equine Practice focuses on a single topic relevant to your veterinary medicine practice, including infectious diseases, immunology, endoscopic surgery, critical care, ophthalmology, geriatrics, pain management, and podiatry.
該領域的專家進行了全面、最先進的審查,為影響馬的疾病的診斷和治療提供了最新、實用的信息。 每期獸醫診所:馬術實踐都側重于與您的獸醫實踐相關的單一主題,包括傳染病,免疫學,內窺鏡手術,重癥監護,眼科,老年病學,疼痛管理和足病。