An International Journal devoted to Applications of Infrared and Raman SpectroscopyAs your new editorial team we are committed to the development of the quality spectroscopic research that is published in Vibrational Spectroscopy and as such it seemed timely to touch base with our readership. In order to enhance the readability and impact of papers published in Vibrational Spectroscopy we would like to encourage:Better use of figures and tables by placing long tables and supporting figures in the supplementary data whilst retaining essential tables and figures in the main body of the paper. This makes the paper as written to be more concise and to the point while retaining the additional data that supports arguments.We noted that in chemometrics papers PCA plots often are not given with the loadings plots and that makes the science less clear. This is where placing the loadings plots in the supporting information can be very helpful;We would like to encourage experienced scientists to consider submitting Review articles that are introductory or present a particular area in succinct way. These are not comprehensive reviews rather a good resource for a hot or critical topic area. If you are interested in doing such a review please email Keith Gordon to discuss it before submission, and, of course, these will be reviewed in the normal way.Finally, if you have any thoughts on how to improve any aspect of the journal we would love to hear from you so please do not hesitate to contact any member of the teamList details for Keith, Don and Matt