Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie-New Crystal Structures was founded in 1997 as spin off of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie to meet the high demand to publish results of structure determination. All publications and their submitted CIF-data are online freely available (Open Access). Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – New Crystal Structures publishes results of determination of hitherto unknown crystal structures, and refinement of previously published crystal structures. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – New Crystal Structures provides strict but constructive refereeing system, free access to submitted cif-files, Open Access to the PDF-files of publications, as well as data deposition at FIZ Karlsruhe and CCDC Cambridge.TopicsOrganic and inorganic structure determinationOrganic ChemistryCrystallographyMaterials SciencesCondensed Matter Physics
《晶體學雜志 - 新晶體結構》成立于1997年,由《晶體學雜志》衍生而成,以滿足發布結構測定結果的高要求。所有出版物及其提交的CIF數據均可在線免費獲取(開放獲取)。《晶體學雜志 - 新晶體結構》發布了迄今未知的晶體結構的確定結果,以及先前發表的晶體結構的改進。《晶體學雜志 - 新晶體結構》提供嚴格但有建設性的裁判系統,免費訪問提交的cif文件,開放獲取出版物的PDF文件,以及FIZ Karlsruhe和CCDC Cambridge的數據存放。話題有機和無機結構測定有機化學晶體學材料科學凝聚態物理