Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics is indexed, abstracted and cover-to cover reviewed in: Web of Science, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (CC/PC&ES), Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet, Zentralblatt für Mathematik, Referativny Zhurnal-VINITI. It is included Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE), ISI Alerting Service and in Digital Mathematical Registry of American Mathematical Society The journal appears in two issues per year (April and October) in printed form and in electronic version.Accepted, but not yet published papers can be found here.Submissions should be made online. Authors are requested to read instructions for authors.Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics is the successor of Publikacije Elektrotehni?kog fakulteta – Serija Matematika, founded in the year 1956, as Serija matematika i fizika, with D.S. Mitrinovi? as the founder editor-in-chief.Published by University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering
適用的分析和離散數學被索引,抽象和覆蓋 - 涵蓋審查:Web of Science,Current Contents / Physical,Chemical&Earth Sciences(CC / PC&ES),Mathematical Reviews / MathSciNet,ZentralblattfürMathematik,Referativny Zhurnal-VINITI。它包括引文索引擴展(SCIE),ISI警報服務和美國數學學會數字數學注冊(http://www.ams.org/dmr/)。該期刊每年出版兩期(4月和10月),印刷版和電子版。可在此處找到已接受但尚未發表的論文。提交內容應在線提交。要求作者閱讀作者的說明。適用的分析和離散數學是PublikacijeElektrotehni?kogfakulteta - Serija Matematika的繼承者,成立于1956年,作為Serija matematika i fizika,DSMitrinovi?為創始人主編。由貝爾格萊德大學電氣工程學院出版
大類學科 | 分區 | 小類學科 | 分區 | Top期刊 | 綜述期刊 |
數學 | 4區 | MATHEMATICS 數學 MATHEMATICS, APPLIED 應用數學 | 4區 4區 | 否 | 否 |
JCR分區等級 | JCR所屬學科 | 分區 | 影響因子 |
Q1 | MATHEMATICS | Q1 | 1.414 |