The International Journal of Applied Glass Science (IJAGS) is an indispensable source of information from glass science and engineering research aimed at meeting the challenges of using glass and related materials in consumer, commercial and industrial applications. IJAGS publishes high-impact articles that broadly encompass experimental investigations and modeling of material characteristics aimed at specific applications, along with well-evidenced studies of product and process optimization and scale-up. IJAGS is of critical value to the work of scientists, engineers, educators, students, as well as organizations that study the manufacture and utilization of glass, glass-ceramics, and composite materials to take advantage of the unique properties and behaviors of the most adaptable material – glass. While IJAGS often focuses on invited papers and papers contributed towards special issue themes, our editors welcome all submissions fitting our aims and scopes. Areas of special interest:Increasing the strength of glass for structural integrityInteraction of glass within the human bodyImproving manufacturing and quality control of glasses, including furnace flow modelingSecondary processing including controlled crystallization, phase transformations, tempering, ion–exchange, coatings, and decorationTailoring glass-forming systems for specific applications such as display glass, high-efficiency lighting, communications, advanced energy (solar, fuel cells, nuclear, etc.), and smart building materials. This includes optical properties of novel glasses.Factors affecting durability and long-term performance, including chemical and physical corrosion, and fatigue