The demand for small unmanned air vehicles, commonly termed micro air vehicles, is rapidly increasing. Driven by applications ranging from civil search-and-rescue missions to military surveillance missions, there is a rising level of interest and investment in better vehicle designs, and miniaturized components are enabling many rapid advances.The need to better understand fundamental aspects of flight for small vehicles has spawned a surge in high quality research in the area of micro air vehicle, or MAV research. These aircraft have a set of constraints which are, in many ways, considerably different from that of traditional aircraft and are often best addressed by a multidisciplinary approach.Fast-response non-linear controls, nano-structures, integrated propulsion and lift mechanisms, highly flexible structures, and low Reynolds aerodynamics are just a few of the important considerations which may be combined in the execution of MAV research.The role of the International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles is to provide the scientific and engineering community with a peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to publishing high-quality technical articles summarizing both fundamental and applied research in this field.The journal operates a conventional single-blind reviewing policy in which the reviewer’s name is always concealed from the authors.