Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences (JIES) provides a stimulating, informative and critical forum for intellectual debate on significant environmental issues. It brings together perspectives from a wide range of disciplines and methodologies in both the social and natural sciences in an effort to develop integrative knowledge about the processes responsible for environmental change, the impact of environmental change on nature and society, and possible solutions. The Journal is especially concerned with the relationships between science, society and policy and one of its key aims is to advance understanding of the theory and practice of sustainable development. The subject matter, authorship and readership are international in scope and cover issues from across a range of scales, from the global to the local. As such, research pertaining to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is particularly relevant. Key themes include: integrated assessment methodologies; governance and regulation; technology and innovation; science, society and policy; and knowledge, perceptions and discourse. A prerequisite for articles to be accepted is that they report on integrative research, where integration can be defined in different ways, for instance, integration across disciplines, societal sectors, scales, environmental issues, the cause–effect chain, or the supply chain. The journal publishes work on a wide range of issues, including:EnergyFoodWaterClimate changePollution, wasteUrban sustainabilityBiodiversity conservationEducation on sustainabilityEnvironment and developmentEnvironmental management systemsJournal of Integrative Environmental Sciences publishes original material, including theoretical developments, new empirical data, innovative methods and policy analysis. The Journal publishes original research articles, review articles, essays, research notes and book reviews. The journal also publishes occasional Special Issues covering interdisciplinary research and policy perspectives on specific environmental issues. Published papers are accessible to a wide audience that comprises natural and social scientists, professionals and policy makers. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences (JIES) is a fully open access journal. This means all submitted articles will, if accepted, be available for anyone to read, anywhere, at any time, immediately on publication. There are no subscription charges for this journal.
綜合環境科學雜志(JIES)為重大環境問題的知識辯論提供了一個激動人心,信息豐富且重要的論壇。它匯集了社會科學和自然科學中廣泛的學科和方法論的觀點,努力發展有關環境變化的過程,環境變化對自然和社會的影響以及可能的解決方案的綜合知識。 “華爾街日報”特別關注科學,社會和政策之間的關系,其主要目標之一是促進對可持續發展理論和實踐的理解。主題,作者和讀者群在范圍上是國際性的,涵蓋了從全球到本地的各種規模的問題。因此,有關可持續發展目標(SDG)的研究尤為重要。主要議題包括:綜合評估方法;治理和監管;技術與創新;科學,社會和政策;和知識,觀念和話語。文章被接受的先決條件是他們報告綜合研究,其中可以通過不同方式定義整合,例如,跨學科,社會部門,規模,環境問題,因果鏈或供應鏈的整合。該期刊發表有關廣泛問題的著作,包括:能源餐飲水氣候變化污染,浪費城市可持續性生物多樣性保護可持續發展教育環境與發展環境管理系統綜合環境科學雜志發表原始材料,包括理論發展,新的實證數據,創新方法和政策分析。該雜志發表原創研究論文,評論文章,論文,研究筆記和書評。該期刊還偶爾發表關于特定環境問題的跨學科研究和政策觀點的特刊。發表的論文可供廣大受眾使用,其中包括自然和社會科學家,專業人士和決策者。綜合環境科學雜志(JIES)是一個完全開放的訪問期刊。這意味著所有提交的文章,如果被接受,任何人都可以隨時隨地在發布時隨時閱讀。此期刊沒有訂閱費用。